
Berend van der Haar

Van Houten, de Wit & Jansen
Although representing the selling party with his team. He was able to give comfort by acting fast and to the pointpoint(overnight). No arrogance, professionally. Respectful.
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Laurent Mardirossian

Premysl is a high skilled, pragmatic and efficient business lawyer.

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Bjoern Westra

At S&T I have worked with Premysl on several M&A projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. I was very happy with the concise, straightforward legal approach and effective bargaining skills during deal negotiations.

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Xavier Deleplanque

I had the pleasure to work with Přemysl, a highly competent lawyer: efficient and responsiveness are two of his quality. He is also totally fluent French / Slovakian, very convenient for technical terms.

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Sébastien Tourin

I have had the pleasure to work with Premysl when his firm was representing our company in the region. Premysl has always provided us with excellent legal advise, pragmatic and with carefull consideration of the business needs of his clients. Besides, his availability and speed of execution confirm the valuable asset he was to the securization of our business in the region. I strongly recommend Premysl as a lawyer.
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Ing. Petr Koljadenko

I cooperated with Premysl on several business networkig events same as potential businesses heading to CEE since 2009. I very much appreciate his very professional stance and broadly experienced knowledge. At the same time flexibility in his busy schedule, always ready to help. It would be my pleasure to cooperate with Premek anytime again.
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Olivier Large

I have been lucky to have Premysl on my side to take care of our business since 2004 (date of creation of GEFCO Slovakia). We have spent a lot of time together, working on legal questions as well as M&A opportunities. Excellent Team Manager and fine negotiator, always looking for a win-win situation with our partners, he always made sure everybody in the room felt acknowledged and confortable.

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Juraj Blada

Zvolenská mliekareň
I had the chance to work with Přemysl for the last 12 years. He strongly helped us in all M/A we did under Senoble Central Europe in Slovakia. Later on also when we were part of Schreiber Foods. He was very strong both in English and French negotiation. His contribution in legal project management was very useful and valuable. I can strongly recommend Přemysl for his professional approach and feeling for the legal details in all aspects. In any new M/A or other legal affairs , I would use and /or recommend Přemysl.

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Stefan Kollarovits

Premysl is a professional in every way with strong customer oriented skills. It has been a pleasure to co-operate with him. He's always on time an prepared for his meetings. Customers can feel the relationship in very professional way. I had the opportunity to work with many not only corporate lawyers in the past, but definately Mr. Marek was a best one. I would strongly recommend him to anybody who is looking for the the expert in this area.

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Alain Couteau

Société Génerale-KB
Excellent french and english speaking lawyer.
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Juraj Murín

Cooperation with Mr. Marek was just great - it took place mainly during years 2011/12, when he was in charge of Peterka&Partners office in Bratislava. Always very professional approach, accurate with fulfillment right in time and with rare combination of humbleness, diplomacy and confidence. Very persuasive defense of our interests in process of three real estate transactions that we have managed together.
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Alexandra Anthunes Thevenin

Premysl is one high skilled business lawyer. He allways : Provides meaningful information to decision makers that helps in the preparation and implementation of projects. Look for ways to streamline procedures to improve efficiency and customer service. Answers all questions promptly and accurately. Follows through and finds the answers to any questions and reports back to the customer promptly. Always cordial and willing to help clients. Enthusiastic, energetic and displays positive behavior. Direct, straightforward, honest and polite.
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Pavol Weiss

White & Weiss gallery
I met Přemysl Marek as a passionate collector of Slovak art who was very openly interested not only in the artistic creation itself, but also in the whole issue of art and the creative industry.
His approach to art, as well as to the collection of art, is always fair and very open, and I also appreciate the fact that he is constantly learning and craving knowledge.

Zsófia Kiss-Szemán

Galéria Mesta Bratislavy
Přemysl is a reliable professional who has a responsible approach not only to his work, but also to the people around him.

Michel Fleischmann

Ambassador of the Czech Republic to France
Sincere interest in francophone business and cultural events, open and fair approach. With Přemysl you will meet that.
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Наша адвокатская контора хорошо понимает, что экономический успех страны основан прежде всего на сильной торговле, производстве и услугах.
Мы убеждены, что фундаментом Чехии и Словакии являются демократия и права человека, и мы стремимся к тому, чтобы это оставалось неизменно.
Мы знаем закон и понимаем торговлю. Мы называем простые вещи простыми вещами, сложные – сложными, и не станем убеждать Вас в обратном.
Но мы попытаемся убедить Вас в том, что адвокат далеко не всегда deal breaker, и в том, что адвокат - это не то же самое, что юрист, только с бóльшим счетом.
Наш подход к Вам таков, каков и Ваш подход к тому, что Вам дорого.

Přemysl Marek

является партнером юридической фирмы PM LEGAL SERVICES.

Пршемышл Марек - адвокат, зарегистрированный в Чешской и Словацкой коллегиях адвокатов. Более 20 лет занимается коммерческим правом и оказанием помощи клиентам в Чешской Республике и Словакии.

Продолжительное время являлся руководителем филиалов центрально-европейского адвокатского бюро в Праге и Братиславе. Окончил юридический факультет Карлова университета в Праге и юридический факультет в Тулузе, Франция.

Свободно владеет французским, английским и русским языками. Его хобби - кино, путешествия и верховая езда.

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- premyslmarek

Martina Milotová

является партнером в юридической фирме PM LEGAL SERVICES

Зарегистрирована в Чешской коллегии адвокатов. Специализируется на судебных спорах и коммерческом праве.

Имеет многолетний опыт работы в региональной юридической фирме, оказывала юридические услуги, как международным компаниям, так и чешским клиентам. Закончила юридический факультет Карлова университета в Праге, также обучалась на юридическом факультете в Нанси, Франция.

Свободно владеет чешским, английским и французским языком. Главными хобби являются - волейбол, бег и изобразительное искусство.

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- milotovamartina

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170 00 Praha 7, Holešovice

Чешская Республика

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